
Title: Open National Championship F3F 2019
Date: 2019-03-23 - 2019-03-24
Category: Fai F3f

Adress: Strmca, Vremščica, Trniče, Zlatoličje, Starše
Place: MD Ventus
Country: Slovenia

Sign from date: 2019-02-27
Sign to date: 2019-03-20
Number of free places: 20

The registration is closed.

Št.First NameLast nameCountry codeClub
2JureMarcSloMD ventus
3TadejGosrinčarSLOMD Ventus
4JiriHladkySuisseF3F Swiss Pilots
5GorazdPisanecSVNMD Ventus
6GregorHarihSloveniaMD Ventus
7MarkoJužničSIAK Kranj
8Manuel RathAUT-6400580134MBC Kornberg
9Sebastian MatzholdAUT-6400580133MBC Kornberg
10OskarStempiharSLOMD Ventus
12Bogo ŠtempiharSloMMK Logatec
13MarkoLemutSLOMD Ventus