
Title: Qanabiss-Team - F5J Slovenia Open 2016
Date: 2016-09-18
Category: Fai - F5J

Adress: F5J open competition and national championship competition
Place: Modelarsko letališče Vipava GPS koordinate:  45°49'43.74"N,  13°56'56.60"E
Country: Slovenia

Sign from date: 2016-09-07
Sign to date: 2016-09-15
Number of free places: 36

The registration is closed.

Registration status


Qanabiss-Team invites you to the Modeling field Vipava, where the open national championship competition will be held.





Competition fee: 20 € included lunch

Official language: English, Slovenian

Prizes: First 3 in category

Time Schedule *

07:45-08:30: registration

08:45 Briefing

09:00-13:00 qualifying rounds

13:00 lunch

14:00-15:30 qualifying rounds

*Time schedule is subject to change depending on weather and other unforseen events.

Protest: In writing form within 20min after event; 50€ fee is returned if the protest is accepted.

Liability: All competitors compete at their own risk. The organizer (Qanabiss-Team) and the owner of the field (MD Ventus) cannot be held responsible for any and all damages, injuries or death caused by or to any competitor or by or any third person.

Field facilities: water, WC

For all additional information please feel free to contact the organizer
Sebastjan Hajnsek, cell phone +386 40 374242